Saturday, March 3, 2007

#1 Winner in the Content Category

National Parks and Monuments, by masterful lensmaster JimB, is yet another example of knowledge, passion and experience being shared in a widely beloved lens.

The only people who don't love our National Parks are those who haven't yet visited. If you haven't been there, after reading Jim's lens, you'll be making plans to get there!

Jim is a writer, having a first book "Hey Ranger! True Tales of Humor and Misadventure from America's National Parks" and so its no wonder that his ten lenses are so compelling. Another example of true Grandmaster Lensmaster material!

Congratulations, Jim, from a whole huge batch of admirers!

1 comment:

Jim Burnett said...

Thanks so much for the gracious comments about my National Parks and Monuments lens, and for the selection of this lens as the winner in the Content Category for February. What a thrill it was to receive that message!

It will be great to see other winning lenses in future months. I hope all of my fellow lensmasters will keep adding quality content to Squidoo, because that makes all of us winners as Squidoo continues to grow.

Thanks to all of you associated with the "By Invitation Program" for taking the time to make another wonderful addition to Squidoo.

Jim Burnett