Saturday, June 2, 2007

#3 Double Winner: Content & Commerce: Topanga

Topanga, a dedicated and talented Squidoo'er, came in with #3 commerce lens for her Alternative Medicine

Her lens Lupus Support won #3 best content lens.

Her bio reads this way: "Lilly Calandrello, personal growth expert, MS, MA, is a relationship, marriage, family therapist, motivational and inspirational speaker, intuitive counselor and author. Lilly helps people from all walks of life develop strategies to attract, grow, and retain meaningful and long lasting relationships."

Lilly's expertise has been put to good use with her impressive list of lenses. She has won Lens of the Day, is regularly on the top 100 list, and has several more lenses entered into the By Invitation Only contest.

We are very excited to have Lilly at Squidoo! She is making a real contribution to the content and quality of what Squidoo offers the internet, and we have no doubt that her contributions increase the traffic and value for all of us.

Well done, Lilly! We are all impressed with your skill and talent!

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