Tuesday, July 17, 2007

#3 Commerce: Bolivian Coca Tea - Mate de Coca

GkyGrl points out something most of us didn't even know about: coca as tea!

In May this is our third place commerce lens:
Bolivian Coca Tea- Mate de Coca.

And, just in case we are as ignorant of the product as we are, she fills us in with all the relevant details, the benefits of that tea, and she clears up the difference between cocoa, which we all know and love, and coca, which is an entirely different plant altogether.

Gkygrl is a terrific lensmaster with a growing roster of interesting lenses under her belt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent! Thanks for the vote of confidence and I'm really enjoying trying to create quality content for Squidoo. I'm a huge fan of the tool and think it offers a great marketing opportunity for people on the web. Awesome! - GKYGRL